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real life story/thoughts

Express your anger ? or not ?

by Jay G 2023. 9. 18.

They say not to get angry because it's bad for your health. On the other hand, it is said that when anger is piled up, it becomes sick inside. Are you telling me to be angry? Does it mean I shouldn't? If you don't get angry and don't get sick at the same time, there's nothing better. But how can I not get sick when I'm trying to control my anger?

There is one solution to this contradiction. It's basically to be positive on everything. I mean, it doesn't cause anger in the first place. Of course, it's a difficult and not a difficult story.

The root of positive thinking is to appreciate everything. If you think about it, humans might die tomorrow, so you should be grateful that your limbs are intact yesterday and today. It is also thankful to live on three meals a day. Are you dissatisfied with your appearance? Looking at people whose appearance has been injured in an unexpected accident, I am very grateful even for my face now. If you are fat, you can be thankful that you can enjoy your food to your heart's content. What if there's no car right now? If you look at a person in a wheelchair, you should be grateful that you have two healthy legs. If you're upset because you fought with a friend, you should be grateful that you have a friend to fight with. If you're going crazy because you don't want to see your boss, you should be grateful that you're working at a company in this time of unemployment.

If you appreciate everything, there's a positive thinking circuit. Amazingly, gratitude brings another appreciation. It is a similar principle to that blessing breeds blessing. At first, I was slightly grateful, but later, there are many things to be thankful for. This may be the way of mental triumph, but when we actually realize that we are purely lucky to be alive at this moment, we feel proud with genuine gratitude.

